Intention of Man

Intention Of Man...
A crow is always called an " Ugly bird," because it scrapes dirty dirts in it's life. But has it become hated with it's own wish or it has made by someone else? A crow borns in any beautiful forest, then why can't it live there? Why has it to come to the locality in order to scrape men's dirt and grime. None of the men think that. Only when a crow caws, they think,"What an ugly and dirty creature!" "Get out," they banish it. But if there's a pigeon at the replacement of the crow, the men tell,'What a beautiful bird!' But nobody thinks that what's the reason behind being the pigeon beautiful.
I think anybody gave it shelter, looked after it, fed it. So it could grow up securely. And then it is beautiful. Man's the adorner of beauty. Moreover he adornes the ugliness. He needs no reason to do it. If he realized that his every action must need a reason, he had to seach that.
However, what do I wanna say? I wanna say that before commenting about anyone or anything search the reason why is it or he suchlike. 

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