Online education during the pandemic


Covid-19 pandemic has created a disaster all over the world. It has affected all over the world in all sectors including education. One of the common terms in this pandemic is the “new normal”. Attending online classes everyday has become the “new normal” for student’s during the COVID-19 pandemic. The educational institutions of the whole world are shut due to lockdown to avoid the spread of coronavirus.  Because of the lockdown, many educational students have taken the timely steps to continue the flow of education through online classes. Some students are thinking that the online classes have helped them a lot during lockdown. There are both advantages and disadvantages of online education.

Advantages of online education:

  1. Learning at comfort of home: The students can attend online lectures from home. They do not need to run to their schools, colleges or universities daily. They can even give exams and assignments from their home according to their suitable time. 

  2. Students are becoming technologically advanced: Students are becoming more technologically advanced due to online education. They are knowing about various apps and programs due to online classes. Their knowledge about technology are getting enhanced.

  3. Reducing costs and time: The students are attending online classes from home. So, online education has reduced costs as there is no costs for travelling. It also helps to save time as students don’t have to travel for attending online lectures.

  4. Relevant information at one platform: In online education, students have access to all relevant information at one platform. Teachers can share all important information over the internet and also preserve it in an electronic achieve.  It makes the learning more effective.

      Disadvantages of online education:

  1. Occurring power disruption and network disruption: Sometimes, while attending online lectures, power disruption or network disruption occurs. As a result, the students cannot attend classes further and they find difficulties in understanding the rest of the lectures.

  2. Lacking social interaction: Due to virtual communication, it is difficult to have group discussions in online education. The interaction between students and teachers are also limited. So, there remains lacking’s in understanding in online education.  

  3.  Facing difficulty in submission of answer scripts: The online exams are being held in online classes. The students have to submit their answer scripts in online platforms which is completely new to them. So, they face a lot of difficulty in submission of answer scripts as there may be network and power disruptions.

  4. Lacking in focus: It is so difficult to focus on screen for long period of time. The students get easily distracted towards social media and other sites as the classes are conducted in online. As a result, they become inattentive in classes and do not listen to lectures attentively.

 Should online education continue even after COVID-19 pandemic?

                           As per a survey conducted by ed-tech platform Byju’s showed that most of the parents are interested in online classes for their children even after the pandemic is over. Online education has proved to be a boon during the lockdown phase but it has some limitations too. It cannot replace the human relationships that develop in a group. So, in my opinion, it should not continue fully after the COVID-19 pandemic and should not replace the traditional way of education.     

Noshin Anjum
Studies at Bangladesh University of Professionals

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